07 - Adding image


How do I add an image to the page?

When creating or editing a content page, place the cursor where you want to add an image and select the image icon.

Image icon













Then select the Browse Server button on the pop-up.

Browse Server button for image
















This should open up a pop-up.

Browse Server pop-up

















If your image is not listed, you need to add the image to this storage area. You can do this by either dragging-dropping the image file from your desktop into the right section of the pop-up or use the ‘Upload file’ icon.

Browse Server upload button













Once the image file is uploaded, it will appear on the right section on the pop-up. Double click on the file.

Browse Server image file

















This will close the storage area pop-up and prefill the URL field in the first pop-up.

Image selection confirmation




















Fill in the “Alternative Text” field with the image’s description. Select Ok button. Save the page. Now the image gets added to the page.


Note: You can also use the new folder icon to organize your file storage area into folders.

Browse Server folder icon