Selected Bibliography on Gender Relatons & Women's Studies

Selected bibliography Gender and Women's Studies
(prepared by Maziar Behrooz)


Abu-Lughod, Lila, ed., Remaking Women

Ahmed, Leila. Women and Gender in Islam

Al-Ghazali, Zaynab. Return of the Pharaoh: Memoir in Nasser’s Prison

Amin, Cameron The Making of the Modern Iranian Woman

Arebi, Saddeka, Women and Words in Saudi Arabia

Azari, Farah The Conflict With Fundamentalist Islam

Badran, Margot. Feminists, Islam, and Nation

Baron, Beth. The Women’s Awakening in Egypt

Cronin, S., ed. Anti-Veiling Campaigns in the Muslim World.

Gole, Nilufer, The Forbidden Modern

Haeri, Shahla Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Shi'i Iran

Keddie, N. & Baron, Beth Women in the Middle Eastern History

Keddie, Nikki R. Women in the Middle East: Past and Present

Logan, Harriet. Voices of Women in Afghanistan

Maclead, Arlene Accommodating Protest: Working Women, the New Veiling, and Change in Cairo

Mahmood, Saba. Politics of Piety:  The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject

Makhlouf, C. Changing Veils: Women and Modernization in North Yemen

Mernissi, Fatima the Veil and the Male Elite

Moghadam, Valentine, ed., Gender and National Identity

Moghissi, Haideh Feminism and Islamic Fundamentalism: The Limits of Postmodern Analysis

--------------, Populism and Feminism in Iran

Nashat, Guity Women and Revolution in Iran

Paidar Parvin. Women and the Political Process in Twentieth-Century

Sanasarian, Eliz The Women's Rights' Movement In Iran

Shaarawi, Huda. Harem Years: The Memoirs of an Egyptian Feminist

Sonbol, Amira El-Azhary. Beyond Exotic: Women’s Histories in Islamic Societies

Tabari, Azar and Yeganeh, Nahid In the Shadow of Islam

Zuhur, Sherifa. Revealing Reveiling: Islamist Gender Ideology in Contemporary Egypt