Selected Bibliography on the Middle East

San Francisco State University

Selected Bibliography on the Middle East 1500-Present.

Prepared by: Maziar Behrooz (Spring 2021)


Relevant Journals and a webpage as research tools:

International Journal of Middle East Studies
Iranian Studies
Middle Eastern Studies
The Middle East Journal



As’ad, Khairallah. Prophecy, Metapoetry, Snapshots.

Anton, R. & Harik, I, eds. Rural Politics and Social Change in the Middle East

Amirahmadi Hooshang and Salah El-Shakhs, Urban Development in the Muslim World, 1993.

Baxter, Kylie & Akbarzadeh, Shahram. US Foreign Policy in the Middle East The Roots of Anti-Americanism

Bogle, Emory C. The Modern Middle East: From Imperialism to freedom, 1800-1958.

Cleveland, William. A Modern History of the Middle East

Cronin, Stephanie. Ed, Subalterns and Social Protest: History from Below in the Middle East and North Africa

Cook, I.A. Studies in the Economic History of Middle East.

Dawisha, Adeed. Arab Nationalism in the Twentieth Century, From Triumph to Despair. (2003)
Fieldhouse, D.K. Western Imperialism in the Middle East, 1914-1958 (2006)

Freedman, Bob. Moscow and the Middle East: Soviet Policy since the Invasion of Afghanistan.

Gocek, Fatma, ed. Social Constructions of Nationalism in the Middle East. (2002)

Halliday, Fred & Alavi, Hamza. State and Ideology in the Middle East and Pakistan

Hourani, Albert. Arab Thought in the Liberal Age.

Hourani, Albert & Khoury Philip, eds. The Modern Middle East

Hyam, Ronald. Britian’s Imperial Century, 1815-1914: A Study of Empire and Expansion.

Issawi, Charles. The Economic History of Middle East

------, The Middle East Economy: Decline and Recovery

Leuran, Aharon. The Middle East Military Balance 1987-88

Lewis, Bernard. The Middle East and the West

-----. The Middle East Mosaic

Lockman, Zachary, ed. Workers and Working Classes in the Middle East: Struggle, Histories, Historiographies

Lukyanov, Fyodor, ed. Russia and the Middle East. (2019)

Khalidi, Rashid. Resurrecting Empire: Western Footprints and America’s Perilous Path in the Middle East

Onley, James.  The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj: Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf (Oxford University Press, 2007):
Norton, A.R.,ed. Civil Society in the Middle East

Mohamed Haj Yousef, United Arab Emirates University
Owen, Roger. The Middle East in the World Economy 1800-1914

Peretz, Don. The Middle East Today

Ragette, F. Traditional Domestic Architecture of the Arab Region

Ramazani, R.k. Challenge and Response in Middle East

Reich, Bernard, ed. Political Leaders of the Contemporary Middle East and North Africa

Sorenson, David. An Introduction to the Modern Middle East




Ahmad, Rashid. Taliban

Ahmadi, Wali. Modern Persian Literature in Afghanistan

Bradsher, Henry. Afghanistan and the Soviet Union

Ewans, Martin. Afghanistan: A Short History

Gohari, M.J. The Taliban Ascent to Power

Hanifi, Shah Mahmoud, Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier. (2008)

Mangus, Ralph & Naby, Eden. Afghanistan


Arab World:



Ajami, Fouad. The Arab Predicament: Arab Political Thought and Practice Since 1967

Ayubi, Nazih, N. Overstating the Arab State: Politics and Society in the Middle East

Haim, Sylvia. Arab Nationalism: An Anthology

Hyam, Ronald. Britian’s Imperial Century, 1815-1914: A Study of Empire and Expansion. Second edition. (London: The MacMillian Press Ltd, 1993).

Khalidi, Rashid The Origins of Arab Nationalism

Maseeb, Khair el-Din, ed. Arab-Iranian Relations

Saeed, Edward. Orientalism



Kavemi, R.S. Algeria: Revolution Revisisted

Ruedy, John. Modern Algeria: Origins and Development of a Nation




Adams, C.C. Islam and Modernism in Egypt

Ahmed, Jamal.  The Intellectual Origins of Egyptian Nationalism. (1960)

Al-Ghazali, Zaynab. Return of the Pharaoh: Memoir in Nasser's Prison

Armbrust, Walter. Mass culture and Modernism in Egypt

Baker, R. Egypt's Uncertain Revolution

Cromer, Evelyn Baring. Modern Egypt. Vol 1 and 2. (New York: The MacMillan Company, 1916).
Gershoni, Israel, James Jankowski. Redefining the Egyptian Nation, 1930-1945. (1995)

Marsot, Afaf. A Short History of Modern Egypt

------, Egypt in the Reign of Muhammad Ali.
Rivlin, Helen Anne B. The Agriculture Policy if Muhammad Ali in Egypt (Cambridge Massachuets: Harvard University Press, 1961).

Singerman, Diane. Avenues of Participation:Family, Politics, and Networks in Urban Quarters of Cairo

Singerman, Diane. Avenues of Participation: Family, Politics, and Networks in Urban Quarters of Cairo.
Springborg, R. Family, Power and Politics in Egypt

Springborg, R. Mubarak's Egypt.

Waterburg, J. Egypt under Nasser and SadatWingate, F.R.  Mahdiism and the Egyptian Sudan: Being an Account of the Rise and Progress of Mahdiism, and of Subsequent Events in the Sudan to the Present Time,



Abdullah, Thabit. A Short History of Iraq

Baram, Amazia. The Ruling Political Elite in Ba'thi Iraq 1968-1986

Batatu, Hanna. The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movement in Iraq

CARDI. Saddam's Iraq: Revolution or Reaction?

Dann, Uriel. Iraq under Qassem

Devlin, John. The Ba’th Party

Farouk, Marion. Iraq Since 1958

Freeman, L & Kaush, E the Gulf Conflict, 1990-1991: Diplomacy and War in the New World Order

Fuller, G. The Arab Shi'a

Gareth Stansfield, Iraq: People, History, Politics

Gareth Stansfield & Reidar Visser (eds), An Iraq of Its Regions: Cornerstones of a
Haj, Samira. The Making of Iraq 1900-1963

Jaber, F.A. The Shi'ite movement in Iraq

Kamel, Abu Jaber. The Arab Ba’th Socialist Party

Khalil, Samir. Republic of Fear: The Politics of Modern Iraq

Marr, P. The Modern History of Iraq

Nakash, Yitzhak. The Shi’is of Iraq

Phillips, David. Losing Iraq Inside the Postwar Reconstruction Fiasco

Sluglett, Marian and Peter. Iraq from 1958: From Revolution to Dictatorship

Tripp, Charles. A History of Iraq.


Iran-Iraq War:


Bergquist, Ronald E. Role of Airpower in the Iran-Iraq War.

Cooper, Tom Iran-Iraq War in the Air 1980-1988

Cooper, Tom and Farzad Bishop. Iranian F-14 Tomcat Units in Combat

Cooper Tom, Jim Laurier. Iranian F-4 Phantom II Units in Combat

Cordesman, Anthony H. The Iran-Iraq War

Hero, Dilip. The Longest War: the Iran-Iraq Military Conflict

Smuenl, Annie. Unfinished History of Iran-Iraq War.



Hamza, Ahmed Nizar. In the Path of Hizbullah

Khalaf, Samir. Lebanon's Predicament

O’Ballance, Edgar. Civil War in Lebanon 1975-92

Petran, T. The Struggle over Lebanon

Zamir, Meir Lebanon’s Quest: The Road to Statehood 1929-1939




Aarts, Paul & Nonneman, Gerd. Saudi Arabia in the Balance

Alshamsi, Mansoor Jassem. Islam and Political Reform in Saudi Arabia: The Quest for Political Change and Reform

Series: Routledge Studies in Political Islam

Fandy, Mamoun. Saudi Arabia and the Politics of Dissent

Inger, Graig. House of Bush, House of Saud

Long, David. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Nonneman Gerd & Paul Aarts (eds), Saudi Arabia in the Balance: Political Economy,
Society, Foreign Affairs

Niblock, Timm. The Political Economy of Saudi Arabia
………………. Saudi Arabia: Power, Legitimacy and Survival .
Schwartz, Steve. The Two Faces of Islam

Vitalis, Robert.  America’s Kingdom: Mythmaking on the Saudi Oil Frontier

Wynbrandt, James. A Brief History of Saudi Arabia




Devlin, John. The Ba’th Party

Kamel, Abu Jaber. The Arab Ba’th Socialist Party

Hinnebusch, R. Peasant and Bureaucracy in Ba'thist Syria

Hitti, Philip, K. History of Syria (Including Lebanon and Palestine)

Kienle, Eberhard, ed. Contemporary Syria; liberalization between Cold

War and Peace

Lesch, David. The New Lion of Damascus: Bashar al-Asad and Modern Syria

Ma'oz, M. Syria under Hafez al-Asad

Seale, P. Hafiz al Assad

Van Dam, N. The Struggle for power in Syria




El-Mallakh, R. The Economic Development of the United Arab Emirates

Gilmour, T Lebanon: The Fractured Country.

Peterson, J.E. Oman in the Twentieth Century

Piro, Timothy J. The Political Economy of Market Reform in Jordan

Salibi, Kamal. A Modern History of Jordan


Palestine, Israel, and Arab-Israeli Conflict:


Aberbach David. Ed, Jewish Cultural Nationalism: Origins and Influences

Abu-Lughod, Ibrahim. Ed, The Transformation of Palestine: Essays On the Origin and Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

Adel Safty, Might over Right: How the Zionists Took Palestine (2009)

Ahimeir, Abba. The Making of Israeli Far-Right.

Bickerton, Ian and Klausner, Carla. A Hisotry of Arab Israeli Conflict.

Britain and Palestine, 1914-1948 : Archival Sources for the History of the British Mandate. Compiled by Philip Jones, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1979.

Borg, David. Reclaiming Israel’s History.


Cohen, Michael and Martin Kolins, eds, Demise of the British Empire in the Middle East: Britain’s Responses to Nationalist Movements, 1943-1955 (1998).

Cohen, Michael.  Palestine, Retreat from the Mandate: The Making of British Policy, 1936-1945 (1978).

Eisenstadt, Michael. The Palestinians: Between State Failure and Civil War.

Farsoun, Smith and Naseer Aruri. Palestine and the Palestinians: A Social and political HistoryFlapan, Simha. The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities.
Freedman, Robert. Israel under Natanyahu (2020).

---------------------. The Intifada: Its Impact on Israel, the Arab World and the Superpowers.

Galvin, J. The Israel-Palestine Conflict.

Gartman, Eric. Return to Zion: the History of Modern Israel.

Gavish, Dov. A Survey of Palestine under the British Mandate, 1920-1948 (2005).

Geddes, Charles, L., ed. A Documentary History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

Gionor, Isabella & Remez, Gideon. Foxbat Over Dimona: the Soviet Nuclear Gamble in the Six-Day War.

Gorenberg, Gershom. The Accidental Empire: Israel and the Brith of the Settlers 1967-77.

Haidar, Aziz. On the Margins: The Arab population in Israeli Economy.

Heian-Engal, Marte. Palestinian Refugees after 1948 (2020).

Herzl, Theodore. The Jewish State. Dover Publications, 1989.

Inbar, Efraim. Israel's National Security: Issues and challenges since the Yom Kippur War.

Jones, Philip, compiler, Britain and Palestine, 1914-1948: Archival Sources for the History of the British Mandate (1979)

Kaufman, Ilana. Arab national Communism and the Jewish State

Khalidi, Rashid. The Iron Cage: the story of the Palestinian Stuggle for Statehood (2006)

Khalidi, Rashid. Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness. (1997).

Laquevre, Walter and Schueffar, Dan, ed., Ithe Israeli-Arab Reader.

Lesch, David. The Arab-Israeli Conflict, a History

Levitt, Matthew. Hamas: Politics, Charity, and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad.

Lockman, Zachary. Comrades and Enemies: Arab and Jewish Workers in Palestine, 1906-1948 (1996).

Muslih, Muhammad. The Origins of Palestinian Nationalism.

Nur, Masalha. Expulsion of the Palestinians.

Oren, Michael. Six Days of War

Parker, Richard B. The Six Day War: A Retrospective.

Pappe, Ilan, ed., The Israel, Palestine Question: Rewriting Histories.

Rice, Michael. False Inheritance: Israel in Palestine and the Search for a Solution

Rich, Dave. The Lie that will not Die: the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. (2020)

Rodinson, Maxim. Israel and the Arabs

Sachar, Howard M. A History of Israel: From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time. New York:

Alfred Knopf, Inc., 1976.

Said, Edward. The Politics of Dispossession

--------. The Question of Palestine.

Sanders, Ronald. The High Walls of Jerusalem: A History of the Balfour Declaration and the Birth of the British Mandate for Palestine. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1983.

Segev, Tom. One Palestine Complete: Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate. (1999)

Shapira, Anita. Israel: A History.

Sherman, A.J. Mandate Days: British Lives in Palestine, 1918-1948 (1998)

Smith, Charles D. Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict6th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007

Shlaim, Avi. The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World

Shilon, Avi. The Decline of the Lfet Wing in Israel. (2019)

Simon Reeva S, Michael M Laskier, and Sara Reguer, eds.  THE JEWS OF THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA IN MODERN TIMES (Columbia University Press, 2003)

Sobel, Lester, ed. Israel and the Arabs: the October 1973 War.

Soffer, Arnon. Rivers of Fire: The Conflict over Water in the Middle East

Stähler, Axel. Ed, Anglophone Jewish Literature

Stein, Leonard. The Balfour Declaration

Swedenburg, Ted. Memories of Revolt: The 1936-1939 Rebellion and the Palestinian National Past (1995)

Tessler, Mark. A History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Vandt, W.B.Q The Politics of Palestinian Nationalism

Wasserstein, Bernard. Israelis and Palestinians: Why Do they fight? Can they stop?


Central Asia and Caucasus:


Akiner, Shirin. Islamic People of the Soviet Union

Allsworth, Edward A., ed. Central Asia: 120 years of Russian Rule.

Allsworth, Edward A. The Modern Uzbeks

---------, ed. The Nationality Question in Soviet Central Asia

--------- Tatars of Crimea

Attstadt, Audrey L. The Azerbaijani Turks

------------------------ the Politics of Culture in Soviet Azerbaijan 1920-1940.

Bennigsen, Alexandre. Azerbaidzhan

Bournoutian, George. A History of the Armenian people 1500-present.

Breyfogle, Nicholas. Heretics and Colonizers: Forging Russia’s Empire in the South Caucasus.

Bukharaev, Ravil. Islam in Russia.

Dashdamivov, A.F. Azerbaijan.

Gammer, Moshe. Muslim resistance to the Tsar: Shamil and the Conquest of Chechnia and Daghistan

Gross, Jo-Ann, ed. Muslims in Central Asia

----------------------. They can Live in the Desert but Nowhere Else.

Grousset, Rene. The Empire of the Steppes: A history of Central Asia

Hassanli, Jamal.  The Sovietization of Azerbaijan

-------------------. At the Dawn of the Cold War: The Soviet-Armenian Crisis over Iranian Azerbaijan 1941-1946.

Kalyuzhnova, Yelena. The Kazakstani Economy: Independence and Transition

Karimov, Islam Uzbekistan in the Threshold of the Twenty-first Century.

Nissman, David B. The Soviet Union and Iranian Azerbaijan

Olcott, Martha. The Kazakhs

Suny, Ronald G. The Baku Commune

--------------. Looking Toward Ararat: Armenia in Modern History

Swietochowski, Tadeusz, Russian Azerbaijan 1905-1920





Lytlle, Elizabeth, A Bibliography of the Kurds, Kurdistan, and the Kurdish Question.

Arshi, Ziba and Zabihi, Khosro, Kurdistan.

Chaliand, Gerard, ed., People Without Country: The Kurds and Kurdistan.

Izady, Mehrdad, The Kurds.

Kreyenbroek, Philip and Sperl, Stefan, ed.s, The Kurds: A Contemporary Overview.

Ghassemlou, Abdel Rahman, Kurdistan and the Kurds.

Hassanpour, Amir. The Oral and Written Traditions of Kurdistan.


Mcdowall, David, A Modern History of the Kurds.


Muhgal Empire:

Habib, Irfan. The Agrarian System of Mughal India. London, 1963.

Habib, Irfan. An Atlas of the Mughal Empire. Delhi, 1982.

Qureshi, I. H. The Administration of the Mughal Empire. Karachi, 1966.

Richard, John F. The Mughal Empire. Vol. I, Part 5, of the New Cambridge History of India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.


Political Islam:



Behn, Wolfgang, Islamic Revolution or Revolutionary Islam in Iran: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography

Hussain, Asaf, Islamic Movements in Egypt, Pakistan and Iran: An Annotated

Kurzman, Charles. Modernist Islam, 1840-1940. (2002)



Abdul Fadl, Mona, Where East Meets West: The West on the Agenda of Resurgent Islam.

Algar, Hamed. Wahhabism: A Critical Essay

Amirarjomand, Said, ed., From Nationalism to Revolutionary Islam.

Binder, Leonard, Islamic Liberalism: A Critique of Development Ideologies

Arkoun Muhammad, Rethinking Islam

Aslan, Reza. No god but God: The origins, Evolution and Future of Islam

Choueiri, Youssef Islamic Fundamentalism

Delong, Bas. Wahhabism: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad

Enayat, Hamid, Modern Islamic Political Thought

Devji, Faisal. Landscapes of the Jihad: Militancy, Morality, and Modernity

Esposito, John L., ed., Islam and Politics

--------, ed., Islamic Revivalism

--------, The Islamic Threat

--------, Makers of Contemporary Islam

--------, The Straight Path

--------, ed., Voices of Resurgent Islam

--------. What everyone needs to know about Islam

Gerges, Fawaz A. The Far Enemy: Why Jihad went Global

Gilles, Kepl. The war for Muslim Mind: Islam and the West

Haddad, Yuonne & Smith, Jane. The Islamic Understanding of Death and Resurrection

Hegghammer, Thomas. The Caravan: Abdallah Azzam and the Rise of Global Jihad.

Hunter, Shireen, ed. The Politics of Islamic Revivalism

Mernissi, Fatema. Islam and Democracy

Meyer, Ann Elizabeth. Islam and Human Rights: Tradition and Politics.

Nasr, Hossein, Dabashi, Hamid, Nasr, Vali. Expectations of the Millennium: Shi’ism in the History

Roy, Oliver. Globalized Islam: the Search for a New Ummah

Saeed, Abdullah. Islamic Thought (2006)

Sanjoo, Amyn. Civil Society in the Muslim World

Sachedina, Abdulaziz Abdulhussein. Islamic Messianism: the Idea of the Mahdi in Twelver Shi’ismi

Segeman, Marc. Understanding Terror Networks

Shahab, Ahmed. What is Islam.

Sisk, Tomothy Islam and Democracy

Tibi, Bassam, The Crisis of Modern Islam

Tibi, Bassam, Islam and Cultural Accommodation



Arkoun, Mohammed. On the Sudanese Mahdi.
Butler, Daniel.  First Jihad: Khartoum.  2007.
James Darmesteter.  The Mahdi: Past and Present.  Trans., Ada S. Ballin. 1885.    
Elton, Lord, ed.  General Gordon’s Khartoum Journal.  1961.
Green, Dominic.  Three Empires on the Nile: Victorian Jihad, 1869 - 1899. (2007)
Hill, Richard.  A Biographical Dictionary of the Sudan. (1967)
Holt, P.M.  The Mahdist State in the Sudan, 1881 - 1898: A Study of its Origins, Development and Overthrow.  (1958) 
al-Jabarti.  Napoleon in Egypt: Al-Jabarti’s Chronicle of the French Occupation, 1798.  Intro., Robert L. Tignor.  Trans., Shmuel Moreh. Princeton. (1993)Kumm, Hermann K.W.  The Sudan: A Short Compendium of Facts and Figures about the Land of Darkness. (1907)
LeBaron, Joseph.  For God or Country: Mahdists and Nationalists in Sudan, 1900 - 1956.  A Case Study of Sudan Under British Rule.  (2006)
el Mahdi, Mandour.  A Short History of the Sudan. (1965)
Moore-Harell, Alice. Gordon and the Sudan: Prologue to the Mahdiyya, 1877 - 1880. (2001)
Moeller, Ernst.  Beitraege zur Mahdilehre des Islams von I.  Ibn Babuje el Kummis, Kitabu kamalid-dini wa tamamin-ni’mati (Report of the Mahdi Doctrine of Islam from Ibn Babuje’s History). 1901.
Wokoeck, Ursula. The Study of the Middle East and Islam from 1800 to 1945.




Relevant Journals and a webpage as research tools:

International Journal of Middle East Studies

Iranian Studies

Middle Eastern Studies

The Middle East Journal




Added 2012:


Alanoud Alshareskh (ed), The Gulf Family: Modernity and Kinship Policies (Saqi Books,
2007), 37-56.
Ragette, F. Traditional Domestic Architecture of the Arab Region
Mohamed Haj Yousef, United Arab Emirates University
Baxter, Kylie & Akbarzadeh, Shahram. US Foreign Policy in the Middle East The Roots of Anti-Americanism

Hyam, Ronald. Britian’s Imperial Century, 1815-1914: A Study of Empire and Expansion.



Anton, R. & Harik, I, eds. Rural Politics and Social Change in the Middle East

Amirahmadi Hooshang and Salah El-Shakhs, Urban Development in the Muslim World, 1993.

Bogle, Emory C. The Modern Middle East: From Imperialism to freedom, 1800-1958.

Cleveland, William. A Modern History of the Middle East

Cronin, Stephanie. Ed, Subalterns and Social Protest: History from Below in the Middle East and North Africa

Cook, I.A. Studies in the Economic History of Middle East.

Freedman, Bob. Moscow and the Middle East: Soviet Policy since the Invasion of Afghanistan.

Halliday, Fred & Alavi, Hamza. State and Ideology in the Middle East and Pakistan

Hourani, Albert & Khoury Philip, eds. The Modern Middle East

Issawi, Charles. The Economic History of Middle East

------, The Middle East Economy: Decline and Recovery

Leuran, Aharon. The Middle East Military Balance 1987-88

Lewis, Bernard. The Middle East and the West

-----. The Middle East Mosaic

Lockman, Zachary, ed. Workers and Working Classes in the Middle East: Struggle, Histories, Historiographies

Khalidi, Rashid. Resurrecting Empire: Western Footprints and America’s Perilous Path in the Middle East

Onley, James.  The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj: Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf (Oxford University Press, 2007):
Norton, A.R.,ed. Civil Society in the Middle East

Owen, Roger. The Middle East in the World Economy 1800-1914

Peretz, Don. The Middle East Today

Ramazani, R.k. Challenge and Response in Middle East

Reich, Bernard, ed. Political Leaders of the Contemporary Middle East and North Africa

Sorenson, David. An Introduction to the Modern Middle East



Ahmad, Rashid. Taliban

Bradsher, Henry. Afghanistan and the Soviet Union

Ewans, Martin. Afghanistan: A Short History

Gohari, M.J. The Taliban Ascent to Power

Hanifi, Shah Mahmoud, Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier. (2008)

Mangus, Ralph & Naby, Eden. Afghanistan


Arab World:



Ajami, Fouad. The Arab Predicament: Arab Political Thought and Practice Since 1967

Ayubi, Nazih, N. Overstating the Arab State: Politics and Society in the Middle East

Haim, Sylvia. Arab Nationalism: An Anthology

Hyam, Ronald. Britian’s Imperial Century, 1815-1914: A Study of Empire and Expansion. Second edition. (London: The MacMillian Press Ltd, 1993).

Khalidi, Rashid The Origins of Arab Nationalism

Maseeb, Khair el-Din, ed. Arab-Iranian Relations

Saeed, Edward. Orientalism



Kavemi, R.S. Algeria: Revolution Revisisted

Ruedy, John. Modern Algeria: Origins and Development of a Nation




Added 2012:

Voll, John Obert.  Historical Dictionary of the Sudan.  African Historical Dictionaries, No.  17.  Metuchen, NJ and London: Scarecrow Press, 1978.
Voll, John.  “The Sudanese Mahdi: Frontier Fundamentalist” in International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 10, No. 2 (May 1979), 145 - 166.
________.  “Renewal and Reform in Islamic History: Tajdid and Islah” in John L.  Espositio, ed.  Voices of Resurgent Islam.  New York and Oxford: Oxford UP, 1983.  32 - 47.
Wingate, F.R.  Mahdiism and the Egyptian Sudan: Being an Account of the Rise and Progress of Mahdiism, and of Subsequent Events in the Sudan to the Present Time,
Diane Singerman. Avenues of Participation: Family, Politics, and Networks in Urban Quarters of Cairo
Al-Sayyid Marsot, Afaf Lutfi. Egypt in the Reign of Muhammad Ali
Cromer, Evelyn Baring. Modern Egypt  
Rivlin, Helen Anne B. The Agriculture Policy if Muhammad Ali in Egypt
Al-Ghazali, Zaynab. Return of the Pharaoh: Memoir in Nasser's Prison


Adams, C.C. Islam and Modernism in Egypt

Al-Ghazali, Zaynab. Return of the Pharaoh: Memoir in Nasser's Prison

Armbrust, Walter. Mass culture and Modernism in Egypt

Baker, R. Egypt's Uncertain Revolution

Cromer, Evelyn Baring. Modern Egypt. Vol 1 and 2. (New York: The MacMillan Company, 1916).
Marsot, Afaf. A Short History of Modern Egypt

------, Egypt in the Reign of Muhammad Ali.
Rivlin, Helen Anne B. The Agriculture Policy if Muhammad Ali in Egypt (Cambridge Massachuets: Harvard University Press, 1961).

Singerman, Diane. Avenues of Participation:
Family, Politics, and Networks in Urban Quarters of Cairo

Springborg, R. Family, Power and Politics in Egypt

Springborg, R. Mubarak's Egypt.

Waterburg, J. Egypt under Nasser and Sadat




Added 2012:


Tripp, Charles. A History of Iraq.

Batatu, H.  The old social classes & revolutionary movements of Iraq

Jaber, F.A. The Shi'ite movement in Iraq

Nakash, Y. The Shi'is of Iraq

Fuller, G. The Arab Shi'a

Gareth Stansfield, Iraq: People, History, Politics

Gareth Stansfield & Reidar Visser (eds), An Iraq of Its Regions: Cornerstones of a
Federal Democracy?
(Columbia University Press, 2007).


Abdullah, Thabit. A Short History of Iraq

Baram, Amazia. The Ruling Political Elite in Ba'thi Iraq 1968-1986

Batatu, Hanna. The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movement in Iraq

CARDI. Saddam's Iraq: Revolution or Reaction?

Dann, Uriel. Iraq under Qassem

Devlin, John. The Ba’th Party

Farouk, Marion. Iraq Since 1958

Freeman, L & Kaush, E the Gulf Conflict, 1990-1991: Diplomacy and War in the New World Order

Haj, Samira. The Making of Iraq 1900-1963

Kamel, Abu Jaber. The Arab Ba’th Socialist Party

Khalil, Samir. Republic of Fear: The Politics of Modern Iraq

Marr, P. The Modern History of Iraq

Nakash, Yitzhak. The Shi’is of Iraq

Phillips, David. Losing Iraq Inside the Postwar Reconstruction Fiasco

Sluglett, Marian and Peter. Iraq from 1958: From Revolution to Dictatorship


Iran-Iraq War:

Bergquist, Ronald E. Role of Airpower in the Iran-Iraq War.

Cooper, Tom Iran-Iraq War in the Air 1980-1988

Cooper, Tom and Farzad Bishop. Iranian F-14 Tomcat Units in Combat

Cooper Tom, Jim Laurier. Iranian F-4 Phantom II Units in Combat

Cordesman, Anthony H. The Iran-Iraq War

Hero, Dilip. The Longest War: the Iran-Iraq Military Conflict



Hamza, Ahmed Nizar. In the Path of Hizbullah

Khalaf, Samir. Lebanon's Predicament

O’Ballance, Edgar. Civil War in Lebanon 1975-92

Petran, T. The Struggle over Lebanon

Zamir, Meir Lebanon’s Quest: The Road to Statehood 1929-1939




Added 2012:


Tim Niblock, The Political Economy of Saudi Arabia
Tim Niblock, Saudi Arabia: Power, Legitimacy and Survival .
Gerd Nonneman & Paul Aarts (eds), Saudi Arabia in the Balance: Political Economy,
Society, Foreign Affairs

Inbar, Efraim. Israel's National Security: Issues and challenges since the Yom Kippur War


Aarts, Paul & Nonneman, Gerd. Saudi Arabia in the Balance

Alshamsi, Mansoor Jassem. Islam and Political Reform in Saudi Arabia: The Quest for Political Change and Reform

Series: Routledge Studies in Political Islam

Fandy, Mamoun. Saudi Arabia and the Politics of Dissent

Inger, Graig. House of Bush, House of Saud

Long, David. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Schwartz, Steve. The Two Faces of Islam

Vitalis, Robert.  America’s Kingdom: Mythmaking on the Saudi Oil Frontier

Wynbrandt, James. A Brief History of Saudi Arabia



Devlin, John. The Ba’th Party

Kamel, Abu Jaber. The Arab Ba’th Socialist Party

Hinnebusch, R. Peasant and Bureaucracy in Ba'thist Syria

Hitti, Philip, K. History of Syria (Including Lebanon and Palestine)

Kienle, Eberhard, ed. Contemporary Syria; liberalization between Cold

War and Peace

Lesch, David. The New Lion of Damascus: Bashar al-Asad and Modern Syria

Ma'oz, M. Syria under Hafez al-Asad

Seale, P. Hafiz al Assad

Van Dam, N. The Struggle for power in Syria



El-Mallakh, R. The Economic Development of the United Arab Emirates

Gilmour, T Lebanon: The Fractured Country.

Peterson, J.E. Oman in the Twentieth Century

Piro, Timothy J. The Political Economy of Market Reform in Jordan

Salibi, Kamal. A Modern History of Jordan


Arab-Israeli Conflict and Palestine:

Aberbach David. Ed, Jewish Cultural Nationalism: Origins and Influences

Abu-Lughod, Ibrahim. Ed, The Transformation of Palestine: Essays On the Origin and Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

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