Eric Hsu



(415) 338-2159


Instructional Faculty, Special Programs

College of Science and Engineering


At SF State Since: 

Fall 2001


Eric Hsu is Professor and Chair of Mathematics at San Francisco State University, and Director of the Center for Science and Mathematics Education. He has led numerous STEM education projects: he is PI on SF CALL and co-PI on CS4SF, two NSF grants to broaden participation in computer science; co-PI on the Western Regional Noyce Alliance, teacher PD for the Western U.S.; co-PI on two NSF Noyce grants; campus PI on three regional partnerships with community colleges: Bay Area Math Collaborative, Silicon Valley Engineering Technical Pathways and SF Bay Area Basic Skills Consortium. He has led four California Math Science Partnerships: with SF Unified twice and San Rafael City Schools twice. He received an NSF CAREER Award in 2003 for his work on college math teaching.

He was co-PI on Revitalizing Algebra, an NSF Math Science Partnership partnering with local school districts to improve the teaching of algebra; and was co-leader of PRIME and PRIME2 with SF Unified focusing on 4th and 5th grade math, TCAAP with San Rafael City Schools focusing on lesson study for grades 5-8, and ITEAMS with San Rafael City Schools working with 3rd-8th grade STEM teachers. He was a case study team leader for a large-scale national study of calculus teaching with the Mathematical Association of America. He received a Bachelors in Mathematics at Harvard, a Ph.D. in Mathematics from U.C. Berkeley studying operator algebras with Dan Voiculescu, and was a postdoctoral scholar at U.T. Austin with Uri Treisman.