About Denise M Kleinrichert






ManagementCollege of Business


Business Building (BUS)


Office Hours: 

Tuesday: 1:30 pm-1:30 pm
Wednesday: 1:00 pm-3:00 pm
Thursday: 2:00 pm-3:00 pm

Office Hours (Additional Info): 

OFFICE located BUS 344 on Weds. Please contact via email: dk@sfsu.edu or arrange Zoom meeting.


At SF State Since:



Denise Kleinrichert, PhD, Professor, College of Business. Dr. K has been with the College of Business since Fall 2007. She is a fulltime faculty member of the Management Dept., teaching ethics (business and AI management), corporate social responsibility, and sustainability.  She is also the General Business majors/minors faculty Coordinator. She previously served as the Interim Associate Dean, LFCoB from Aug. 2018 - 2020. She also previously served as Director of the Center for Ethical and Sustainable Business (CESB). This Center integrates ethics and sustainable business teaching and service to community and the university, as well as research. She also served as Chair of the College of Business' annual Business Ethics Week from 2007 - 2017, co-developed the Ethical Artificial Intelligence Certificate, the Business Certificate in Ethics & Compliance, the MBA Emphasis in Ethics & Compliance, and was founder of the Ethics & Compliance Workshop series. Denise chaired, organized and facilitated CESB’s five Summer High School Student Sustainability Camps (2011-17). Prior to her academic career, she was a corporate executive in risk management and employee benefits in the property and casualty insurance, banking and healthcare industries for ten years. Her PhD is in Philosophy (Ethics), with interdisciplinary studies and coursework in the College of Business at University of South Florida. Her dissertation, Responsibility and Practice in Notions of Corporate Social Responsibility was awarded in 2007. She also holds two Master's degrees (MA and MLA) from the University of South Florida, and a BA in Economics from Indiana University.

She has focused her academic career in the areas of business ethics and compliance, corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability, and women social entrepreneurs. She teaches two undergraduate courses: Seminar on Business & Society and Ethics at Work. She also teaches MBA seminar courses: Ethics and Compliance; Political, Social, Legal Environment of Business; and Business Ehtics, Society & Sustainability. Her research publications include numerous peer reviewed journal articles and two book chapters on topics in ethics, risk and corporate boards, CSR, sustainability, and social entrepreneurs.  Her Master's degree thesis: Winifred Carney: Socialism and Women in Irish Textile Trade Unions in Belfast, was the foundation for her book chapter, "Labour and Suffrage: Spinning Threads in Belfast," in  Irish Women and the Vote: Becoming Citizens (2007; 2018). She is also the author of Republican Internment and the Prison Ship, Argenta (2001), the first complete historical account of the 1922-24 internment in Northern Ireland.

Her PhD studies were inclusive of coursework in both the College of Business and the Philosophy Department at the University of South Florida, including: Social Ethical Legal Systems, Contemporary Ethical Theory, Organizational Design/Structure, Politics/Control in Organizations, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Work & Gender, Development Ethics. She defended her dissertation, Responsibility and Practice in Notions of Corporate Social Responsibility and was awarded a PhD in Philosophy (Ethics) from the University of South Florida by a committee of faculty advisors from the College of Business and Philosophy Department. 

  • B.A. in Economics, Indiana University, Bloomington
  • M.A. in Social & Political Thought, University of South Florida, Tampa
  • M.A. in Philosophy: Concentration in Ethics, University of South Florida, Tampa
  • Ph.D. in Philosophy: Concentration in Ethics, University of South Florida, Tampa
Research Interests: 
  • Business Ethics
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Corporate Governance and Risk
  • Ethics of AI
  • Sustainable Business Practice
  • Women and Social Entrepreneurship
Professional Associations:
  • Aspen Institute
  • International Association for Business & Society (IABS)
  • Society for Business Ethics