About Hsiao-Yun Chu


(415) 338-2430


Instructional Faculty


School of DesignCollege of Liberal and Creative Arts


Humanities (HUM)


Office Hours: 

Monday: 1:00 pm-3:00 pm

Office Hours (Additional Info): 

CLICK THE APPOINTMENT CALENDAR TAB TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT. All appointments via zoom, link is on this page. Prospective MA student advising, industrial design.


At SF State Since:



All advising appointments scheduled through Zoom.

Link is:  https://sfsu.zoom.us/j/99284375787?pwd=Z0YzYXk2SWpseHVnV0QrcXJxSGxOdz09


Ph.D., University of Brighton, Brighton UK

M.S. Eng, Product Design, Stanford University

A.B. cum laude, Harvard University

Research Interests: 

Hsiao-Yun Chu's interests include design history, user-based research methodology, project-based learning, practice-based research, curatorship, and the cultural and social implications of design. She is the author of two books and numerous articles on design and design history. She is also an associate editor with the International Journal of Design. Prof. Chu has taught a wide range of courses in the School of Design, including history of design, product design studio courses, graduate seminars, research and methods courses, writing, design process, model making, and packaging design courses.

Prof. Chu is the coordinator of the Graduate MA Program in Design. She advises current and prospective students, promotes and grows the program, and contributes to curriculum development in this area. Several of her advisees have won state- and national-level awards for the quality of their research and presentation. Several of her advisees have also won the CSU state level competitions for graduate research and creative activity.

Prof. Chu is the Study Abroad advisor for incoming students from our bilateral programs including Brunel University, Dublin Institute of Technology, Swinburne University, University of Technology Sydney, NABA in Milan, and Chung Yuan University in Taiwan, and has served as the Study Abroad Advisor since 2013. Outgoing (SF State) study abroad students are advised by Prof. Ricardo Gomes.

Books: New Views on R. Buckminster Fuller (Stanford University Press, 2009)

Dymaxion Car: Buckminster Fuller (IvoryPress, 2010)