History 381
San Francisco State University
History 381: Islamic World II
Instructor: Maziar Behrooz
E-mail: mroozbeh@sfsu.edu
Webpage: http://faculty.sfsu.edu/~mroozbeh
Telephone: (415) 338-1776
Course Description: This course is a study of Islamic civilization (the Middle East), history, and culture from the 1700 to the present. It focuses on a core region (the area between Nile and Oxus rivers). Topics for the first part of the course include politics and society in the 18th and 19th centuries, the impact of European imperialism on the region’s economy and culture, the response of regional (especially Ottoman) reform movements. Topics for the second half of the course include the transformation of empires into nation-states, the rise of Arab nationalism, Arab-Israeli conflict, and the history of Iran, particularly its two 20th century revolutions. The course also seeks to explain the rise of political Islam in light of its historical context. Students will be able to identify the political and social forces that have contributed to the modern Middle East. Students will discuss and analyze the region in light of divergent processes toward modernity by comparing and contrasting a variety of roads to and choices about modernity in the Islamic world.
Spring 2025: MW 11-12:15 , HUM 301
Office Hours: MW 10-11 AM or by appointment
Course Outline:
Week 1: January 27-29
Introduction: geographic setting of the region; people of the region; historical background: decline of regional gunpowder empires: Ottoman Empire in decline; initial setbacks; 18th century Ottoman reforms; reforms of Selim III; Egypt under Muhammad Ali Pasha.
Reading: Hourani, History of the Arab Peoples, 209-265; Quataert, The Ottoman Empire, 1-54.
Week 2: February 3-5
Ottoman reforms in the first half of the 19th century: "the sick man of Europe"; reform under Mahmud II; Greek revolution; war with Egypt; Tanzimat reforms; the Crimean War.
Reading: Hourani, 265-279; Quataert, 54-110; pdf, Lewis, “The Ottoman Obsession.”
Week 3: February 10-12
Ottoman reforms in crisis: Young Ottomans; Constitution; Sultan Abdulhamid II; the Armenian Question; Young Turks; 1908 revolution; WWI and the end of the empire.
Reading: Hourani, 279- 315; Quataert, 110-199.
Week 4: February 17-19
Iran in the 18th century: downfall of the Safavid Empire; Afshars; Zands; unification under the Qajar; status of the Shi'i ulama; early Qajar state; Middle Eastern Despotism.
Reading: Abrahamian, Modern Iran, 1-8; pdf, Abrahamian, “European Feudalism.”
Mid-term Exam I: February 19
Week 5: February 24-26
Iran in the 19th century: early military setbacks; early reforms; the Babi movement; Amir Kabir and his reforms; colonial subjugation and capitulations; the Tobacco Protest.
Reading: Abrahamian, 8-34.
Week 6: March 3-5
Iran: Constitutional revolution (1906-1909); Iran during WWI; the end of the Qajars.
Modernization and reform in Turkey: Kemalism and modern Turkish Republic under Ataturk; Modernization and reform in Iran: Modern Iran and the rise of Reza Shah Pahlavi.
Reading: Abrahamian, Modern Iran, 34-97; pdf, Zurcher, Turkey, “The Emergence of the One-Party State.”
Week 7: March 10-12
Emergence of Arab Nationalism; Egypt and the Suez Canal; Urabi revolution; Arab nationalism
in the Ottoman empire; WWI and the Arab revolt; Zionism; the Mandate period.
Reading: Hourani, 315-353; pdf, Dawn, “The Origins of Arab Nationalism” and Geddes, “Der Judenstaat,” “Sykes-Picot Agreement,” “Balfour Declaration.”
Midterm Exam II: March 12
Week 8: March 17-19
Arab nationalism after WWII: New States; Naserism and Ba'thism;
Reading: Hourani, 353-459; pdf, Farouk-Sluglett, “Iraqi Ba’thism.”
Week 9: March 24-26 (Spring Recess)
Week 10: 31-April 2 (No class non March 31- Caesar Chavez Day)
Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Oslo peace process.
Reading: Pdf, Smith, Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Week 11: April 7-9
Iran after WWII: Fall of Reza Shah; the Oil Nationalization Movement and Mosaddeq; the Tudeh Party and the USSR; the 1953 coup and the Cold War; from coup to reforms of 1960s.
Reading: Abrahamian, 97-123; pdf, Gasiorowski, “The 1953 Coup in Iran.”
Week 12: April 14-16
Iran: The shah and his Reforms; major oppositional groups and thinkers.
Reading: Abrahamian, 123-155; pdf, Fischer, “Imam Khomeini.” Abrahamian, “Shari’ati.”
Week 13: April 21-23
Iranian Revolution: emergence of political Islam; Soviet invasion and the Afghan war; American hostages in Tehran; the Iran-Iraq war.
Reading: Abrahamian, 155-196
Week 14: April 28-30
Political Islam in the Middle East: major thinkers of the movement; "al-Afghani"; Hasan al-Banna; Sayyed Qutb; Ayatollah Khomeini; Ali Shari'ati.
Reading: Esposito, chapters 1-3; pdf, Haddad, “Sayyid Qutb;” Iqbal, “Democracy and the Modern Islamic State.”
Week 15: May 5-7
What is an Islamic state? Case examples and degrees of success; class discussion.
Reading: Esposito, chapters 4-6 pdf, Haeri, “Temporary Marriage;” Kramer, “Islamic Notions of Democracy.”
Week 16: May 12-14
Finishing remaining lectures; open discussion of issues interested to class.
Abrahamian, Ervand, A History of Modern Iran
Esposito, John. The Islamic Threat
Hourani, Albert. A History of the Arab Peoples
Mahfouz, Naguib. Palace Walk (Optional)
Quataert, Donald. The Ottoman Empire 1700-1922
Additional reading will be emailed to you.
There will be two mid-term exams (25% each) and a final exam (50%). The mid-term exams will be taken in class, will be essay questions, and students will have options.
Final exam will be take-home. Your exams will be based on the required readings and class lectures. All papers must have proper citation from reading material and lectures.
Final exam is due on May 21 before noon. (Questions and instruction will be emailed to you 10 days before due date)
Note: Class attendance is essential in receiving the desired grade in this course.
Extra Credit: You may write a review of Palace Walk (no more than five pages, typed, double space) for seven points credit toward your final grade.
Important: Do not miss any exams unless you have a very good reason and have prearranged everything with me.
Students with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations are encouraged to contact the instructor.
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DISABILITY POLICY: Students with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations are encouraged to contact the instructor. The Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC) is available to facilitate the reasonable accommodations process. The DPRC is located in the Student Service Building and can be reached by telephone (voice/TTY 415-338-2472) or by email (dprc@sfsu.edu).” (http://www.sfsu.edu/~dprc/facultyfaq.html#1) (http://www.sfsu.edu/~dprc seems like a better reference)
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Study Questions
Part I:
Explain and analyze Ottoman reforms under Selim III and Mahmud II. Explain their differences and degree of success.
Under Mohammad Ali Pasha (1805-1848) Egypt went through an intensive period of reform. Explain the reforms. How successful were they?
Explain and analyze the Tanzimat reforms. What were they designed to achieve? How successful were they?
Both Young Ottoman and Young Turk movements aspired to reform and save the Ottoman Empire. What were their differences and degree of success?
Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers during WW1. What was the role of the empire during the Great War and how do you assess its performance?
Part II:
What was the state of reforms in the 19th century Qajar Iran? How do you explain it?
What was the state of Shi'i ulama establishment in Qajar Iran in relation to reforms, the Qajar court and the population at large?
Based on lecturers and course readings, how do you explain Iran's 1906-1909 Constitutional revolution? Which forces provided the movement's leadership, what were their goals, what were the revolution's causes?
Kemal Ataturk and Reza Shah initiated modernizing reforms in Turkey and Iran. Compare and contrast the two. Which one was more successful? Why?
Part III: final exam
What is Arab Nationalism? Describe both the Movement's ideological orientation and political platform. Use your knowledge of both Nasser's Egypt and Ba'ath party of Iraq\Syria to discuss the political aspects of Pan-Arabism.
What are the basic issues in the Arab-Israeli conflict and why is the problem so difficult to resolve? What do you think of the current peace process, can it succeed?
How do you explain Iran's 1979 revolution? What were its causes, describe the forces that participated in it, who provided the movement its leadership, and why was it successful in such a brief period?
How do you explain the revival of Islam as a political force in the Middle East? What is the movement's agenda and how successful has it been so far?
In the West, Political Islam is depicted as a threat to Western interests. Based on class lectures and readings, explain political Islam in light of the above observation. How realistic is this assessment?
Based on lectures and readings, chose three of the following personalities and describe their political thinking:
Khomeini; Seyyid Qotb; Rashid Rida; Al-Afghani, Shari’ati.