About Acacio de Barros


(415) 405-2674


Instructional Faculty


Liberal Studies ProgramCollege of Liberal and Creative Arts


Humanities (HUM)


Office Hours: 

Monday: 1:00 pm-3:00 pm

Office Hours (Additional Info): 

Office hours are held on Zoom. Please get in touch with me for link information. For additional appointment times, contact barros@sfsu.edu.


At SF State Since:



I hold a Ph.D. in Physics from the Brazilian Center for Research in Physics, Rio de Janeiro, in 1991, with a dissertation on theoretical applications of Goedel's theorem in physics, under the advisement of Francisco Antonio Doria and Newton da Costa.  After my Ph.D., I spent three years as a researcher at the Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences, Stanford University. Then, between 1995 and 2011, I was a faculty member of the Physics Department of the Federal University of Brazil in Juiz de Fora. Immediately before coming to SFSU, I was a Visiting Associate Professor at the Center for the Study of Language and Information at Stanford University.

My research interests are interdisciplinary, having published many scholarly articles in top journals in Physics, Philosophy, and (Mathematical) Psychology.  My work is on subjects ranging from the foundations of quantum mechanics to the physics of the brain and of cognitive processes.  At Stanford, for many years I worked closely with Patrick Suppes (a prominent philosopher and polymath whose work involved both science and philosophy) on projects involving the physics of the brain and theories of learning.  My current scholarly work focuses on the foundations of quantum mechanics and probabilities and how they relate to the physical and social sciences. 

You can find more details about my scholarly work on Google Scholar, https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=tCxJUE8AAAAJ&hl=en, or on my website, http://debarros.atwebpages.com/