About Eric J Routman
At SF State Since:
Ph.D. Washington University 1990
Selected publications:
Thompson, M.E., B.J. Halstead, G.D. Wylie, M. Amarello, J.J. Smith, M.L. Casazza, and E.J. Routman. 2013. Effects of prescribed fire on Coluber constrictor mormon in coastal San Mateo County, California. Herpetological Conservation and Biology. 8:602-615.
Micheletti, S. E. Parra, and E.J. Routman. 2012. Adaptive color polymorphism and unusually high local genetic diversity in the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana. PLoS ONE 7(10): e47694. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047694.
Wu, J., A.C. Go, M. Samson, T. Cintra, S. Mirsoian, T.F. Wu, M.M. Jow, E. J. Routman, and Diana S. Chu. 2012. PP1 phosphatases regulate multiple stages of sperm development and motility in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics 190:143–157.
Halstead, B.J., G.D. Wylie, M. Amarello, J.J.Smith, M.Thompson, E.J. Routman,and M.L. Casazza. 2011. Abundance and survival of the San Francisco gartersnake in coastal San Mateo County, California. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 2:41-48.
Tonione, M., and E.J. Routman. 2011. Microsatellite analysis supports mitochondrial phylogeography of the hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis). Genetica. 139:209–219.
Schinske, J.N., G. Bernardi, D.K. Jacobs, and E.J. Routman. 2010. Phylogeography of the diamond turbot (Hyposopsetta guttulata) across the Baja Peninsula. Marine Biology. 157:123-134. [published online in 2009: DOI 10.1007/s00227-009-1302-2]
Sabatino, S.J. and E.J. Routman. 2009. Phylogeography and conservation genetics of the hellbender salamander (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis). Conservation Genetics 10:1235-1246. [published online in 2008: DOI:10.1007/s10592-008-9655-5.]
Di Candia, M.R. and E.J. Routman. 2007. Cytonuclear discordance across a leopard frog contact zone. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 45:564-575.
Kenney-Hunt, J.P., T.T. Vaughn, L.S. Pletscher, A. Peripato, E. Routman, K. Cothran, D. Durand, E. Norgard, C. Perel, J.M. Cheverud. 2006. Quantitative trait loci for body size components in mice. Mammalian Genome. 17:526-537.
Paquin, M. M., G.D. Wylie, and E.J. Routman. 2006. Population structure of the giant gartersnake, Thamnophis gigas. Conservation Genetics. 7:25-36.
Wolf J.B., L.J. Leamy, E.J. Routman, and J.M. Cheverud. 2005. Epistatic pleiotropy and the genetic architecture of covariation within early- and late-developing skull trait complexes in mice. Genetics: 171:683-694.
Leamy, L.J., M.S. Workman, E.J. Routman, and J.M. Cheverud. 2005. An epistatic genetic basis for fluctuating asymmetry of tooth size and shape in mice. Heredity. 94:316-325.