About Zachary Hui He
At SF State Since:
My lab uses Arabidopsis as the model system and applies a combination of cell, molecular, biochemical and genetic approaches to understand how cells communicate during plant growth and development. We discovered the RUS gene family and characterized the functional roles of several RUS members. Our published work showed that RUS1 and RUS2 play key roles in vitamin B6 homeostasis and a vitamin B6-binding enzyme, aspartate aminotransferase, serves as an important genetic partner in regulating vitamin B6 homeostasis. Our recent work has established the essential role of RUS6 in early embryonic development. Our long-term research goal to understand how vitamin B6 homeostasis is regulated in Arabidopsis and beyond. Knowledge of vitamin B6 hemostasis regulation can be used to develop strategies to improve human health and agricultural production.
Complete List of Published Work in MyBibliography: