Invited Talks
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology: A new insight into the characterization of the microstructure of colloidal suspensions, Cambridge, MA, November 2013.
- California Polytechnique State University: Application of rheology in efficiency evaluation of engine oil, Pomona, CA, April 2016.
Peer-Reviewed Journals
* corresponding author
- Necdet Aslan, and Fatemeh Khalkhal, "Numerical investigation of micro-channel flows by matrix distribution scheme with preconditioning" (submitted, full paper).
- Ian Bucog, Fatemeh Khalkhal* , and Jose Villanueva, "A comparative numerical study in extensional flow behavior of various non-Newtonian fluids in microrheometric devices" (in preparation).
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh* and Susan J Muller (2022), “Analyzing flow behavior of shear-thinning fluids in a planar microfluidic abrupt contraction/expansion geometry”, Phys. Rev. Fluids 7, 023303.
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh, Ajay Singh Negi, James Harrison, Casey D. Stokes, David L. Morgan and Chinedum Osuji (2018), Evaluating dispersant stabilization of colloidal suspensions from the scaling behavior of gel rheology and adsorption measurements, Langmuir, 34 (3), 1092-1099.
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh, Kendrick Chaney and Susan Muller (2016), Optimization and application of dry film photoresist for rapid fabrication of high-aspect-ratio microfluidic devices, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 20 (11), 153.
- Ren, Fang, Stacy A. Kanaan, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Codruta Zoican Loebick, Gary L. Haller and Lisa D. Pfefferle (2013), Controlled cutting of single-walled carbon nanotubes and low-temperature annealing, Carbon, (63), pages 61-70.
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh and Pierre J. Carreau (2012) Critical shear rates and structure build-up at rest in MWCNT suspensions, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 171-172, pages 56-66.
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh and Pierre J. Carreau (2011) Scaling behavior of the elastic properties of non-dilute MWCNT-epoxy suspensions, Rheologica Acta, 50(9), 717-728.
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh, Pierre J. Carreau and Gilles Ausias (2011) Effect of flow history on linear viscoelastic properties and the evolution of the structure of MWCNT suspensions in an epoxy, J. Rheology, 55(1),153-175.
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh, Characterization of flow-induced structures in carbon nanotube suspensions, Ph.D. thesis, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Montreal, Canada, 2012.
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh, Modeling, and fluid flow analysis in fractured reservoirs, Master of Applied Science thesis, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2003.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings and Presentations
- Zhang, Xiaorong, Stephanie Claussen, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Yiyi Wang, Evaluating ChatGPT's Efficacy in Qualitative Analysis of Engineering Education Research, Proceedings of 2024 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 23-26 June, Portland, OR (full paper).
- Claussen, S., Khalkhal, F., Zhang, X., Biviano, A.K., and Wang, Y. Qualitative analysis of the relationships between the teamwork experiences of diverse students and their engineering identities at a Hispanic-serving institution. Proceedings of 2023 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 25-28 June, Baltimore, MD (full paper).
- Wang, Y., Claussen, S, Zhang, X, and Khalkhal, F. Development and initial outcomes of an NSF RIEF project in understanding teamwork experience and its linkage to engineering identity of diverse students, Proceedings of 2023 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 25-28 June, Baltimore, MD (full paper).
- Wang, Y., Zhang, X, Khalkhal, F., Claussen, S., and Biviano, A.K A quantitative analysis on teamwork behavior, disagreement, and their linkages to students’ engineering identities, Proceedings of 2023 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 25-28 June, Baltimore, MD (full paper).
- Jose Villanueva, Matthew Hutchinson, Emiliano Lopez, Ian Bucog, and Fatemeh Khalkhal*, Towards preparing a diversified and skilled STEM workforce by providing hands-on mechanical design experience to community college students, Proceedings of the 2023 American Society of Engineering Education - The Pacific Southwest Section Annual Conference, 13-15 April, Los Angeles, CA (full paper).
- Fatemeh Khalkhal*, Jenna Wong, Xiaorong Zhang, Zhaoshuo Jiang, Yiyi Wang, Christopher Pong, Fostering student success through faculty development workshops, Proceedings of the 2023 American Society of Engineering Education - The Pacific Southwest Section Annual Conference, 13-15 April, Los Angeles, CA (full paper).
- Fatemeh Khalkhal*, Zhaoshuo Jiang, Xiaorong Zhang, Jenna Wong, Christopher Pong, Analyzing student peer mentor experiences in a collaborative summer internship project between San Francisco State University and local community colleges in San Francisco Bay Area, Proceedings of the 2023 American Society of Engineering Education - The Pacific Southwest Section Annual Conference, 13-15 April, Los Angeles, CA (full paper).
- Zhaoshuo Jiang, Xiaorong Zhang, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Jenna Wong, David Quintero, Yiyi Wang, Christopher Pong, Robert Petrulis, Strengthening Student Motivation and Resilience through Research and Advising, Proceedings of the 2023 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exhibition, 25-28 June, Baltimore, MD (full paper).
- Xiaorong Zhang*, David Quintero, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Zhaoshuo Jiang, Zhuwei Qin, Jenna Wong, Yiyi Wang, Wenshen Pong, and Robert Petrulis, Development and First-Year Outcomes of an NSF-Funded Summer Research Internship Program to Engage Community College Students in Engineering Research, Proceedings of the 2023 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exhibition, 25-28 June, Baltimore, MD (full paper).
- Jenna Wong, Zhaoshuo Jiang, Fatemeh Khalkhal, David Quintero, Robert Petrulis, Wenshen Pong, Yiyi Wang, and Xiaorong Zhang (2023). Kickstarting an Engineering Success Center at a Hispanic Serving Institute, Proceedings of 2023 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition, June 25-28, Baltimore, MD (full paper).
- Cheng, Chen, Zhaoshuo Jiang, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Nick Langhoff, J. Le, Christopher Wenshen Pong, Xiaorong Zhang, “A Collaborative Project between Skyline College and San Francisco State University to Strengthen Pathways to Success in STEM”, 7th IAFOR International Conference on Education, Hawaii, Jan 6-9, 2022.
- Zhaoshuo Jiang, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Chris Wenshen Pong, David Quintero, Yiyi Wang, Jenna Wong, Xiaorong Zhang, An Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) project funded by the National Science Foundation, Hispanic-Servicing Institutions Program at San Francisco State University, 21st Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Jan. 3-6, 2023, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Chatterjee, Ajay, and Fatemeh Khalkhal (2019), Stability and scalar transport in laminar non-Newtonian flow in a bi-furcating T-junction, Proceedings of the ASME 17th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels (ICNMM 2019), St John's, NL, Canada, June 23-26, V001T01A004. ASME.
- Hidema, Ruri, Fatemeh Khalkhal, and Susan Muller, Optimizing a microfluidic device to produce double emulsion droplets, International Congress on Rheology, Kyoto, Japan, August 2016 (oral presentation).
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh, and Susan Muller, Dynamics of Double Emulsion Droplets in a Wall-Bounded Shear Flow, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2015 (oral presentation).
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh, and Susan Muller, Microfluidic Studies of Emulsions and Suspensions in Wall-Bounded Shear Flow, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2015 (poster presentation).
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh, and Chinedum Osuji, Scaling behavior of colloidal gel elasticity in the context of dispersant surface activity, Society of Engineering Science (SES) 50th Annual Technical Meeting, Brown University, Providence, RI, July 2013 (oral presentation).
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh, and Pierre J. Carreau, Analyzing the kinetics of structure build-up in carbon nanotube suspensions, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM18), 21-26 August 2011, Jeju Island, Korea (oral presentation).
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh, and Pierre J. Carreau, Development of structure-property relationships in carbon nanotube suspensions, Canadian Society of Rheology: Current Topics and Trends in Rheology, Montreal, QC, Canada, June 2011 (poster presentation).
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh, and Pierre J. Carreau, Flow-induced evolution of the microstructure of MWCNT suspensions at small deformations, 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, Santa Fe, NM, October 2010 (oral presentation).
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh and Pierre J. Carreau, Transient behavior of carbon nanotube suspensions in an epoxy, 81st Annual Meeting of The Society of Rheology, Madison, WI, October 2009 (oral presentation).
- Khalkhal, Fatemeh and Pierre J. Carreau, Effect of flow history on the rheology of MWNT-epoxy suspensions, VIII World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, QC, August 2009 (oral presentation).
non-Peer-Reviewed Showcases
- Tianyou Huang, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Investigation on Optimal Design of Thermal Management System for Data Centers, College of Science and Engineering Showcase, Spring 2024 (poster).
- Candace Castro, George Anwar, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Automatic Refillable Tabletop Electronic Machine Mixing In Spices (ARTEMMIS), College of Science and Engineering Showcase, Spring 2023 (poster).
- Miles Phillips, Justin Baskin, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Design, prototyping, manufacturing and testing of a 3D-printed Go Kart Brake Pedal, College of Science and Engineering Showcase, Spring 2023 (poster).
- Carlos Acuna, Mario Acuna, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Design, prototyping, manufacturing and testing of a 3D printed Monitor Mount, College of Science and Engineering Showcase, Spring 2023 (poster).
- Ian Bucog, Jose Villanueva, and Fatemeh Khalkhal, A comparative study on the extensional flow behavior of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in micro-rheometric devices, School of Engineering Showcase, Fall 2022 (poster).
- Tyler Casaclang, Nathaniel Albert, Jackie Guo, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Design, prototyping, manufacturing and testing of a hook that fit into a predetermined railing and able to withstand 40 pounds without breaking, School of Engineering Showcase, Fall 2022 (poster).
- Jocelynn Nazarit, Joyce Bulatao, Fatemeh Khalkhal, One Trip Grip Multiple Bag Holder, School of Engineering Showcase, Fall 2022 (poster).
- Gabriel Ruiz, John Tobie, Vasav Juthani, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Exploration of Stress and Strain Results of 3D Printed Screwdriver Handle, School of Engineering Showcase, Fall 2022 (poster).
- Franklin Monzon, Nuzhat Shaikh, Andy Wong, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Double Wishbone Suspension Design, School of Engineering Showcase, Fall 2022 (poster).
- Joey Conway, David Luckett, Tristan Moore, Fatemeh Khalkhal, 3-D Design and Printing Methodologies Stubby Handle Screwdriver, School of Engineering Showcase, Fall 2022 (poster).
- Cesar Lopez, Daniel Nguyen, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Design, prototyping, manufacturing and testing of a hook that fit into a predetermined railing and able to withstand 40 pounds without breaking, School of Engineering Showcase, Fall 2022 (poster).
- Brian A. Lopez Rocha, Crystal Perez Genchi, Rakan Shannan, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Design, prototyping, manufacturing and testing of a laptop stand, School of Engineering Showcase, Fall 2022 (poster).
- Ritvik Kumar, Reid Nakano, Leonardo Vigil Ruiz, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Design, prototyping, manufacturing and testing of a sturdy hook, School of Engineering Showcase, Fall 2022 (poster).
- Ian Bucog, Jose Villanueva, and Fatemeh Khalkhal, Numerical and experimental investigation of flow around an obstacle in milli- and microfluidic channels, College of Science and Engineering Showcase, Spring 2022 (poster).