Study Abroad!

Study Abroad & Fulfill AIS Complimentary Studies!


American Indians Studies (AIS) majors, like all SF State Students, can study abroad and make degree progress while enjoying a cheaper cost of living and using financial aid! SF State has been very successful in helping students apply for scholarships, such as the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. The top program for American Indians at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany!


Studying American Indians abroad at Goethe University is highly recommended, as it is a prestigious university in Frankfurt, Germany. Goethe is ideal because of the unique American Indian course offerings that would fulfill complementary studies.  Furthermore, American Indian Studies majors can further their knowledge of the study of American Indians at Goethe University through an ethnological (comparative cultures approach) lens and under the guidance of Dr. Markus Lindner. Dr. Lindner is faculty in the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology with expertise and research foci that include Native North America (Plains, particularly Lakota), contemporary situation, representation, material culture, historical photography, museum anthropology, tourism, contemporary native art, and repatriation.


The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Goethe’s regional expertise is based on anthropological fieldwork mainaly in Africa, Central and South Asia (India), and the Americas. The empirical and comparative research particularly studies the close interconnections – but also the lines of demarcation – between religion, kinship, economy, politics and law, culinary culture, material culture and museums, and migration. Another field of research is the history of the discipline.


As a colleague of mine for over a decade, Dr. Lindner and I have collaborated on various conference panels and research projects that use ethnography to center American Indian narrative and voices in museum anthropology.


For more information, please contact Dr. Collins at and visit SF State Study Abroad at