
  • The Commons Initiative at SF State.
  • All things OLPC - One Laptop per Child. I run projects in India, Jamaica and help with others in Madagascar, Armenia, Tuva, San Francisco, etc. I am also the founder and chief organizer of OLPC San Francisco volunteer community. Track us down at
  • Captive Portals in Wireless Networks: Examining the role of captive portals in wireless networks. See the report here 
  • Networked Robotics: communicating with LEGO® MindstormTM robots over IP networks to study QoS issues.
  • The O.R.E.O. Project : O.R.E.O. stands for Openscript Remote Execute Object. O.R.E.O. adds Internet services such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, SNMP etc. to native Toolbook applications in Microsoft Windows. No browsers needed.
  • The Toolbook Portal : A collection of resources for Toolbook programming, development and use.
  • Implementing Opensource Streaming Audio Stations in MP3 and Vorbis : An MP3/Vorbis streaming Audio "radio station" for sending out pre-recorded MP3/Vorbis files in real-time. The current plan is to use this engine to power a "lecture-series" for my classes.