About Tara Lockhart


(415) 338-1711




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At SF State Since:



Tara Lockhart is Associate Professor of English and Director of Composition; she teaches undergraduate writing and literature courses, as well as graduate courses in composition, literacy studies, and pedagogy. Professor Lockhart earned her Ph.D. and M.A. at the University of Pittsburgh. Her scholarship focuses on pedagogies for graduate-level writing instruction, writing/learning transfer, hybrid forms of the essay, and promoting writers’ rhetorical and stylistic awareness.  Her published work has appeared in Enculturation  and College English, among other places.  Along with her co-researcher, Mary Soliday, she is the recipient of a 2013 CCCC Research Initiative Grant for her work on learning transfer.  Along with her colleague, Mark Roberge, she is the author of Informed Choices: A Guide for Teachers of College Writing (Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2015).  She is Senior Editor of the journal Literacy in Composition Studies.