
*Last name changed from Xiao, Yang to Xiao-Desai Yang in 2015

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles and book chapters

  • In press         Xiao-Desai, Yang, Wong, Ka. Heritage learner pragmatics – Moving beyond monolingual norms. Applied Pragmatics
  • 2021         Xiao-Desai, Yang. Stance-taking in heritage language writing. The Modern Language Journal, 105(3), 679-696.
  • 2021         Xiao-Desai, Yang. Heritage language education and identity through the lens of multilingualism (多语意识形态下的传承语教育与身份研究). Journal of International Chinese Teaching(4) 15-27 (国际汉语教学研究04, 15~27页)
  • 2020         Zhou, Y., Xiao-Desai, Y., Chen, S., & Curry A. The development of willingness to communicate in L2 Chinese writing – A longitudinal study. In Xiao. F. (Ed.) Second Language Chinese Development: A Longitudinal Perspective. Lexington 
  • 2019         Xiao-Desai, Yang. Heritage learner pragmatics. In Taguchi, N. (Ed.) Handbook of SLA and Pragmatics (pp. 462-478). New York: Routledge
  • 2019         Xiao-Desai, Yang. The effects of online writing on heritage language anxiety – a Bayesian analysis. In Li, S. & Yuan, F. (Eds.) Classroom-Based Research on Chinese as a second language (pp.128-151). New York: Routledge
  • 2018        Xiao-Desai, Yang, Wong, K., & Magriney, C. Utilizing social networks in language classes – Language production, interaction, and pedagogical considerations. Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, Volume 24, 121-170
  • 2017         Xiao-Desai, Yang. Ethnic identity and heritage language anxiety (民族認同與傳承語焦慮). Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning 《語言戰略研究》 2(3), 38-55
  • 2017         Xiao-Desai, Yang & Wong, Ka. Epistemic stance in heritage language writing – A developmental view. Chinese as a Second Language Research, 6(1), 73–102
  • 2017         Xiao-Desai, Yang & Wong, Ka. Explorations in teaching Chinese as a second language: An Introduction. In Xiao-Desai & Wong. (Eds.) Explorations in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: A Celebration of the Lifetime Achievements of Tao-chung Yao. Boston, Mass.: Cheng & Tsui.
  • 2015         Xiao-Desai, Yang, Wong, Ka, & Wu, Xiaohui. Technology training in Chinese language teacher education: Content, concept, & context. Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages 17, 173-218
  • 2014         Xiao, Yang & Wong, Ka. Exploring heritage language anxiety: A study of Chinese heritage language learners. The Modern Language Journal, 98(2), 589-611 DOI: 10.1111/modl.12085
  • 2014         Mathur, MB, Patel, RB, Gould, M, Uyeki, TM, Bhattacharya, J, Xiao, Yang, Gilaspie, Y., Chae, C., & Khazeni, N. (2014) Seasonal patterns in human A (H5N1) virus infection: Analysis of global cases. PLoS ONE 9(9) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0106171
  • 2014         Patel, RB, Mathur, MB, Gould, M, Uyeki, TM, Bhattacharya, J, Xiao, Yang, & Khazeni, N. (2014) Demographic and clinical predictors of mortality from highly pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1) virus infection: CART analysis of international cases. PLoS ONE 9(3). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091630
  • 2011         Yao, Tao-Chung., Xiao, Yang, Magriney, C., & Wong, Ka. Teaching Chinese through interactive and collaborative online social networks. Journal of Chinese Language Teaching and Research in the U.S., May 2011
  • 2010         Wong, Ka & Xiao, Yang. Diversity and difference: Identity issues of Chinese heritage language learners from dialect backgrounds. Heritage Language Journal, 7(2), 153-187
  • 2003         Xiao, Yang. A cognitive analysis of comparability of antonymous monosyllabic adjectives (反義性狀兼容的認知分析). Overseas Chinese Education (海外華文教育), 2003(1), 24-28
  • 2002         Xiao, Yang. Chinese coordinate adjectives (形容詞聯合短語). In Chu, Z. (Eds.) On Chinese Coordinate Phrases. Changsha, Hunan: Hunan University Press. (儲澤祥 主編《漢語聯合短語研究》,湖南大學出版社).
  • 2001         Xiao, Yang. Guidelines and principles in curriculum design for Chinese language teacher training program – Chinese writing system (漢語研修教材文字部份編寫思路). Overseas Chinese Education (海外華文教育), No.1, 2001, 10-18
  • 2001         Chu, Zexiang, Xiao, Yang, & Zeng, Qingxiang. The markedness of Chinese coordinate phrases (並列短語的標記隱現情況考察). Chinese Linguistics 2001 (4)(《漢語學報》總第4期,2001年下卷)
  • 2000         Chu, Z., Zeng, Q. & Xiao, Yang. 由兩個名詞或名詞短語構成的並列短語NP coordination with two or more nouns, In Sheng X. (Eds.) Essays and Reviews on Linguistics. Changsha, Hunan: Yuelu Publishing House(盛新华主编《語言論叢》,嶽麓書社)
  • 1999         Chu, Zexiang, Xiao, Yang, & Zeng, Qingxiang. The comparability in ‘hen’-structure (通比性的“很”字結構). Chinese Teaching in the World (世界漢語教學), 1999(1) 36-44

Edited Book

  • 2018         Xiao-Desai, Yang & Wong F. Ka. Explorations in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language – Studies in Honor of Professor Tao-chung Yao. Boston, Mass.: Cheng & Tsui.

Book Review

  • 2015         Xiao-Desai, Yang.  [Review of the book Corpus Linguistics and Linguistically Annotated Corpora, by Küebler Sandra & Zinsmeister, Heike]. The Modern Language Journal, 99 801-802. doi: 10.1111/modl.12287

Peer-reviewed Conference Proceeding

  • 2012         Patel RB, Mathur, MB, Gillaspie, Y., Xiao, Yang, & Khazeni, N. Prognostic model of mortality following Human Influenza(A) H5N1. The 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making Oct. 2012