Publications & Presentations
- "Thermodynamic Approach to Modeling Complexity of Regional Hewett-Hubbert Resource Bubbles and Large Dynasties", Journal of Big History, Vol VIII Issue 1, 2025.
- "A Thermodynamic Interpretation of the Progression of Historical Processes", Journal of World-Systems Research, Vol. 29 No. 1 (2023): Winter/Spring 2023.
- "Modeling historical dynasties as emergent, dissipative mechanisms", Proceedings of the T2022 International Conference on Thermodynamics 2.0 July 18-20, 2022
- "A Simulation and Critique of Asimov's Foundation Series: What Works and Fails", Social Science History Association, Novermber 11-14, 2021. Download the paper from
- Emergy and Efficiency Analysis of Historical Bubbles, 2019, Emergy Synthesis 10 Conference Proceedings.
- "Navigating the Currents of History", World History Connected (University of Illinois Press, Feb. 2018)
- A Colorful Demonstration of Thermal Refraction, 2014
- Efficiency Discounted Exponential Growth (EDEG) Approach to Modeling the Power Progression of a Historical Dynasty, 2014
- Energy of the State 2008, February, 2008.
- Energy Input Labeling for Consumer Products, October, 2007.
- Thermodynamic Perspective on Profits, North American Technocrat, October, 2006.
- Space Technologies for the Research of Effective Water Management, August, 2004.
- "Social Design via Energy Consumption and Entropy Production", North American Technocrat, Vol. 2, Is. 6, p. 6, Fall, 2003.
- "Factors Affecting Calculation of L ", Kingsley, S., R.Bhathal, ed.s, Conference Proceedings, International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), Vol. 4273, 2001
- "The Interplay Between A World of Currents And The Currents of Humanity”, World History Association Annual Conference, 27–29 June 2024.
- Panel Co-Chaur, "Special Joint Panel Session with the International Big History Association (IBHA), Perspectives on Flows from Big History", World History Association Annual Conference, 27–29 June 2024.
Chairs: Mark Ciotola, San Francisco State University - Panel Chair, World History Association, June 2023.
- “The Whole Shebang: A History of Leaders and Movements Concerning Governance Via Energy Accounting and Distribution,” World History Association Annual Conference, 22 June 2023.
- "Turning the Valley of Death Into The Valley of Life: Challenges and Funding for Commercial Astroculture", UND Space Ag Conference, April 4, 2023. Video of presentation (Youtube).
- "A Comparison of Emergy, Exergy, Entropy and Carbon Accounting: Histories, Definitions, Methodologies, Significance and Synergies", Emergy Synthesis 11, University of Florida, January 2023.
- “Panel: Unity of Sciences”, Chair, Thermodynamics 2.0 Conference, International Association for the Integration of Science and Engineering, Boone, North Carolina, July 20, 2022.
- “Modeling Historical Dynasties as Emergent, Dissipative Mechanisms”, Thermodynamics 2.0 Conference, International Association for the Integration of Science and Engineering, Boone, North Carolina, July 19, 2022.
- “Irreversible Processes in History”, World History Association Annual Conference, Remote, Bilbao, Spain, June 23-25, 2022.
- “Workshop: Feeding Empires—Quantitative, Digital & Graphic Simulations for History Using Food Cases”, World History Association Annual Conference, 22 – 23-25 June 2022.
- "Panel: Microgravity: The Commercial Case for R & D", SXSW, Austin, TX, March 13, 2022.
- “A Simulation and Critique of Asimov's Foundation Series: What Works and Fails”, Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Philadelphia, November 14, 2021.
- “Teaching Workshop: World History Digital Lightning Talks”, World History Association Annual Conference, Remote, 22 - 24 June 2021.
- “Hype or Substance? Applying Artificial Intelligence to the Sustainability of Dynasties Over 3500 Years of World History”, World History Association Annual Conference, Remote, 22 - 24 June 2021.
- “Emergy and Efficiency Analysis of Historical Bubbles”, Emergy Synthesis 10 Conference Proceedings (University of Florida), Gainesville, 1 June 2019.
- “Roundtable: Organizing World History”, World History Association Annual Conference, Milwaukee, June 2018.
- “Workshop: Characterizing Historical Macro-Material Utilizing Satellite Imagery, Remote Sensing and GIS, World History Association Annual Conference, Milwaukee, June 2018.
- Co-facilitator: Big Sustainability and Overcoming Polarization workshops at Stanford, California and Cambridge, Massachusetts (June 2017).
- “Workshop: Feeding Empires—Quantitative, Digital & Graphic Simulations for History Using Food Cases”, World History Association Annual Conference, 22 - 24 June 2017.
- “Lessons About Historical, Economic and Resource Bubbles from the Rise and Fall of Spain’s Golden New World”, World History Association Annual Conference, 22 - 24 June 2017.
- Co-facilitator: Overcoming Polarization workshops (February to May, 2017) at Stanford University
- Panel Chair: Corruption, Judicial Proceedings, and Legal Processes over Time, Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, 2016.
- “The Colossus History Grid: integrating network and spatial models of world history”, Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association—Beyond Social Science History: Knowledge in an Interdisciplinary World, Chicago, Illinois, 17-20 November, 2016.
- “Using thermodynamic potentials as the prime driver of historical processes”, International Big History Association Conference—Building Big History, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 14-17 July 2016.
- “Workshop: Generating and Displaying Quantitative and Graphic Simulations for History”, World History Association Annual Conference, July, 2016.
- “Dueling Dynasties: Colossus Simulator Searches for Patterns of Major Conflict Outcomes”, World History Association Annual Conference—Global Conflict and Transformation of the Global Countryside, Ghent, Belgium, 2 - 5 July, 2016.
- "Effects Upon the Progression of a Society and Its Business Structures Due to Dependency Upon a Nonrenewable Resource: The San Juan Mining Region”, Richard Robinson Business History Workshop 2016—Business and Environment in History: Dealing in Nature and Ecology, Pasts and Futures Portland State University 28-30 April 2016
- Developing Ruby Simulations and Using R for Visualization (using the efficiency-discounted exponential growth methodology to model dynasties), American History Association–January 2015, New York, USA
- Escaping the Matrix: A Presentation and Critique of the Colossus Model of World History, World History Association–July 2015, Savannah, USA
Recent Service:
- Reviewer, Association for Computers and the Humanities conference proposals.
- Big Sustainability.
- Physical History and Economics