
Books (English):

Minami, M. (Ed.). (2016). Handbook of Japanese applied linguistics. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. (Also, vist the Harvard Magazine's Harvard Authors' Bookshelf.)

Handbook of Japanese Applied Linguistics

Minami, M. (2011). Telling stories in two languages: Multiple approaches to understanding English-Japanese bilingual children's narratives. Charlotte: NC: IAP-Information Age Publishing.Telling Stories in Two Languages

Minami, M. (Ed.). (2007). Applying theory and research to learning Japanese as a foreign language. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
o Sample pdf (including Table of Contetns)

Applying Theory

 Sirai, H., Arita, S., Hirakawa, M., Inagaki, S., Minami, M., Oshima-Takane, Y., Shirai, Y., & Terao, Y. (Eds.). (2007). Studies in Language Sciences (6). Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers.

Nakayama, M., Minami, M., Morikawa, H., Nakamura, K., & Sirai, H. (Eds.). (2006). Studies in Language Sciences (5). Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers.

Minami, M., Kobayashi, H., Nakayama, M., & Sirai, H. (Eds.). (2005). Studies in Language Sciences (4). Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers.

Minami, M., Kobayashi, H., Nakayama, M., & Sirai, H. (Eds.). (2004). Studies in Language Sciences (3). Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers.

Minami, M. (2002). Culture-specific language styles: The development of oral narrative and literacy. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.

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Minami, M., & Kennedy, B. P. (Eds.). (1991). Language issues in literacy and bilingual/multicultural education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Educational Review.

Language Issues

Aguilu-Semidey, E., & Minami, M. (Eds.). (1991). Harvard Educational Review, 61(2). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Educational Review.


Books (Japanese):

南 雅彦 (2017). 社会志向の言語学 (Socially Oriented Linguistics). くろしお出版.

Socially Oriented Linguistics


南 雅彦(編)(2017)『日中言語研究と日本語教育:特集 言語習得理論の歴史的変遷と日本語教育,中国語を母語とする日本語学習者の諸問題』好文出版.

Journal of Japanese Chinese Linguistics

南 雅彦 (編) (2010) 言語学と日本語教育 VI (Linguistics and Japanese language education VI): New directions in applied linguistics of Japanese. くろしお出版.

南 雅彦 (2009). 言語と文化:言語学から読み解くことばのバリエーション (Language and culture: Understanding language variations from the viewpoint of linguistic theories). くろしお出版.

o Review of this book(書評)
o Review of this book(書評)

南 雅彦 (編) (2007). 言語学と日本語教育 V (Linguistics and Japanese language education V): New directions in applied linguistics of Japanese. くろしお出版.

南 雅彦 (編) (2005). 言語学と日本語教育 IV(Linguistics and Japanese language education IV): New directions in applied linguistics of Japanese. くろしお出版.

高橋登・南 雅彦・砂上史子(訳)(2004). ヨウチエン:日本の幼児教育、その多様性と変化 (Preschools: Diversity and change in Japanese preschool education ). 北大路書房.

南 雅彦 (編) (2004). 言語学と日本語教育 III (linguistics and Japanese language education III): New directions in applied linguistics of Japanese. くろしお出版.

南 雅彦・佐藤公代(訳)(2001). 文化と心理学 (Culture and psychology). 北大路書房.

南 雅彦 (編) (2001). 言語学と日本語教育 II (linguistics and Japanese language education II): New directions in applied linguistics of Japanese. くろしお出版.

Language and Culture









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