Professional Services

Northern California Japanese Teachers’ Association (NCJTA)

Foreign Minister’s Commendation, March 27, 2023: The Northern California Japanese Teachers’ Association has contributed to building Japanese teachers’ networks in Northern California, sharing information, and conducting workshops on the pedagogy of the Japanese language since its founding in 1972. The association has worked to enhance the status of Japanese language education in Northern California, becoming an affiliate member of both the Foreign Language Association of Northern California in 2000 and the American Association of Teachers of Japanese in 2012. Since 2016, the association has cultivated the development of Japanese language education and promoted Japanese culture in Northern California through various activities including co-organizing Japanese-language speech contests with the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco.

Foreign Minister’s Commendation

Foreign Language Association of Northern California (FLANC)

  • Keynote chair: Chaired the keynote session “Getting Students Started on the Road to Cultural Competency, the Journey of a Lifetime” (by Ann Jordan) at the Foreign Language Association of Northern California (FLANC 2023) Conference Satellite Workplaces Campbell, Campbell, CA (November 4, 2023).
  • Chaired the Saturday afternoon workshop “What does your Japanese-language learning journey look like?: An introduction to the Compass Interactive Workbook” (by Yo Azama, Atsuko Kiuchi-Fagerness, Mio Nishimura, and Michelle Lupisan), at the Foreign Language Association of Northern California (FLANC 2022) Conference via zoom (October 22, 2022).

Osaka University D-Learning Series

  • Intensive Lecture “The Intersection of Language, Cognition, and Culture: What Does Cross-Cultural Research Indicate?” (November 7, 2023)
  • Intensive Lecture “Perspectives on cross-cultural differences: The intersection of language, cognition, and culture” (November 8, 2022)
  • Intensive Lecture “The intersection of language, cognition, and culture: What Does Cross-Cultural Research Indicate?” (November 9, 2021)
  • Intensive Lecture “The intersection of language, cognition, and culture: Narrative discourse” (November 3, 2020)
  • Intensive Lecture “Narrative discourse: The intersection of language, cognition, and culture” (November 5, 2019)
  • Intensive Lecture: “Human development and behavior: Cross-cultural communication” (November 6, 2018)

On November 7, 2017, as a lecturer of the 2017 Osaka University D-Learning Series, I gave a lecture entitled "Human Development and Behavior in Cross-Cultural Perspective" to Osaka University undergraduate students.

Osaka University D-Learning 2017                   Osala University D-Learning 2017 schedule













The 10th International Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese

NINJAL国際シンポジウム 「第10回 日本語実用言語学国際会議 (ICPLJ) 」

平成29年7月8日 (土) ~ 平成29年7月9日 (日)
国立国語研究所 (東京都立川市緑町10-2)

日本語実用言語学国際会議 (ICPLJ) は,日本語の研究を活性化するとともに,理論的な言語研究と応用的・実用的な研究との間の橋渡しの役割を果たすことを目的として1998年に創設され,音韻論,形態論,統語論,意味論,語彙論,語用論,談話分析,応用言語学,コーパス言語学,心理言語学,社会言語学,第二言語習得研究,バイリンガリズム,日本語教育・日本語指導,言語教育工学・CALL,言語産出などを対象として含みます。今回の ICPLJ は,日本語研究と日本語教育研究の最先端における研究者が一堂に会し,研究成果を日本語教育の分野における実際的な応用に役立てるための議論の場を提供しました。

  1. 日時 : 2017 年 7 月 8 日(土)13:10~14:10
  2. 場所 : 国立国語研究所
  3. 講師 : 南雅彦教授(サンフランシスコ州立大学)
  4. 演題 : 第一言語習得と第二言語習得をつなぐ— マクロとミクロのナラティヴ構造視点からの考察 —
  • Speaker: Professor Masahiko Minami (San Francisco State University)
  • Date: July 8, 2019
  • Title: Connecting L1 and L2 acquisition — From the perspective of macro and micro narrative structure —
  • Venue: National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo Japan

Osaka University D-Learning Series

On November 8, 2016, as a lecturer of the 2016 Osaka University D-Learning Series, I gave a lecture entitled "Human Behavior in Cross-Cultural Perspective: Culture and Self" to Osaka University undergraduate students.Osaka University D-LearningOsaka University D-Learning MinamiOsaka University D-Learning 2016









The 9th International Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese: Japanese Textbook Workshops

第9回 日本語実用言語学国際会議(ICPLJ9)&日本語教科書ワークショップ

ICPLJ9 & 日本語教科書ワークショップを2016年6月4日(土)5日(日)にサンフランシスコ州立大学で開催しました。大阪大学教授の西口光一先生に基調講演と教科書ワークショップ、筑波大学名誉教授で現在は国立国語研究所客員教授の砂川有里子先生に特別公演と言語分析ワークショップ、ペンシルバニア大学上級講師の高見智子先生に教科書ワークショップをお願いしました。

The 9th International Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese (ICPLJ9) was held on Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5 at San Francisco State University. The conference successfully brought together Japanese-language teachers and research scholars working in various fields of Japanese linguistics (e.g., sociolinguistics, L2 acquisition) to determine how research findings can be applied to L2 language learning and teaching in elementary school, middle school, high school, and college classrooms. Dr. Koichi Nishiguchi, a professor at Osaka University and the author of many Japanese-language textbooks –– most recently a textbook series entitled “A New Approach to Elementary Japanese” –– served as the keynote speaker and a workshop instructor. Dr. Yuriko Sunakawa of the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, who is well known not only in linguistics but also in Japanese-language education (the author of “A Handbook of Japanese Grammar Patterns for Teachers and Learners”) gave a corpus-analysis workshop on Saturday, June 4; she also delivered a plenary lecture on Sunday, June 5. In addition to the conference (panels and presentations), we thus held workshops by inviting instructors not only from overseas (Professors Nishiguchi and Sunakawa), but also domestically (Professor Tomoko Tamaki of the University of Pennsylvania). In addition to university professors, furthermore, Mr. Hideo Okano of Crosio Publishers, Japan gave a textbook series entitled “Ohisama”(textbooks for multilingual children) to local elementary school teachers, in order to seek opinions for further improvement. We thus organized productive workshops on Japanese-language textbooks as well.

Minami ICPLJ9Nishiguchi ICPLJ9Sunakawa ICPLJ9

Overall, the conference and workshops successfully united two target audiences: (1) Japanese-language educators, and (2) linguists. Language educators include elementary school, middle school, and high school teachers as well as those who teach Japanese in college classrooms. Furthermore, we believe that we were able to raise awareness of the importance of the heritage language (which is an incompletely acquired language spoken at home but which is not the dominant language of the wider community). In this way, we made the conference and workshops beneficial not only to teachers and researchers in linguistics, but also to the public in general. Both Japanese-language teachers and researchers benefited from each other’s expertise and receive new insights that are applicable to their respective fields. In other words, the conference and workshops has served as a forum to promote ways in which we can apply linguistic theory to the learning of Japanese as an L2. We further believe that the conference and workshops successfully integrated theoretical concepts and empirical research findings in L2 development for application to Japanese language education at the both global and local levels.


日本語実用言語学国際会議(ICPLJ)が2014年3月22日(土) - 23日(日)に国立国語研究所で 開催されました。特別講演はHarvard UniversityのCatherine Snow教授が"Extended Discourse in First and Second Language Acquisition: A Challenge and an Oppotunity”と題して行ないました。


迫田久美子(国語研),南雅彦(国語研 / サンフランシスコ州立大学)

ICPLJ8 (2014)

ICPLJでは日本語の研究を活性化するとともに,理論的な言語研究と応用的・実用的な研究,ならびに言語教育実践との間の橋渡しの役割を果たすことを目 的として 1998年に創設され,音韻論,形態論,統語論,意味論,レキシコン,語用論,第二言語習得,バイリンガリズム,日本語教育,心理言語学,社会言語学,談 話分析,コンピュータ支援型言語学習(CALL),言語産出などを対象として含みます。今回のICPLJでは,日本語研究と日本語教育研究の最先端におけ る 研究者が一堂に会し,研究成果を日本語教育の分野における実際的な応用に役立てるための議論の場を十分に提供することができたと自負しています。ICPLJ8 (2014)