Marginalized Groups

Dr. Mello examines topics specific to minority group membership, including stereotype threat and anticipated discrimination in educational and occupational attainment.


Gender Workshop Series for High School Students


The Principal of a high school with which Dr. Mello has had a long-term collaboration requested a workshop on toxic masculinity for 9-10th grade students. As the Mello Lab, we have created a three-session workshop series that addresses various topics about gender and relationships. The presentations and small group activities below can be viewed, downloaded, and used for educational purposes with attribution.





7. Moon, J., ^*Centeno, B., De León, J., & Mello, Z. R. (2023). Brief Report: Revealing the Nuance: Examining Approaches for Research with Adolescents who Identify With Multiple Racial/Ethnic Groups. Journal of AdolescencePDF


6. ^*Centeno, B., *Bayazitli, I., Purnell, S., Bravo, D. Y., & Mello, Z. R. (2023). Colorism Unveiled: Examining How Skin Color Discrimination is Associated With Academic Achievement, Mental Health, and Substance Use Among Latinx Adolescents. Research in Human DevelopmentPDF


5. Mello, Z. R. & Gordon, R. A. (2023). The Future of Colorism Science: Interdisciplinarity, Families, and Intervention. Research in Human Development. doi: 10.1080/15427609.2023.2261373 PDF


4. +^Jaramillo, J., Mello, Z. R., & Worrell, F. C. (2015). Ethnic identity, stereotype threat, and perceived discrimination among Native American adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 26, 769-775. doi:  PDF


3. Mello, Z. R., Mallett, R. K., Andretta, J. R., & Worrell, F. C. (2012). Stereotype threat and school belonging in adolescents from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds. Journal of At-Risk Issues, 17, 9-14. PDF


2. +Hand, L. H., Mello, Z. R., & *Anton-Stang, H. M. (2012).  An investigation of gender, perceived gender-barriers to a future occupation, and academic achievement among delinquent adolescents. Modern Psychological Science, 17, 19-26. PDF


1. Mallett, R. K., Mello, Z. R., Wagner, D. E., Worrell, F. C., Burrow, R. N., & Andretta, J. R. (2011). Do I belong? It depends on when you ask. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 17, 432-436. doi: PDF



+Undergraduate Student Mentee; *Graduate Student Mentee; ^Underrepresented Minority