Week 1, 8/21 |
Introduction to database management
Install MySQL 8 with Workbench
Week 2, 8/28 |
Data modeling with ERD
ChatGPT ER Analysis Example
Assignment 1
Week 3, 9/4 |
Labor Day |
Week 4, 9/11 |
Enhanced ERD
Assignment 2
Week 5, 9/18 |
Relational database design
Working with MySQL and SQL DDL
Example of using ChatGPT to design database based on ERD
Assignment 3
Week 6, 9/25 |
Example of creating multiple tables database with constraints
MySQLSalesTxt.txt script file
Exam 1 review and sample
Week 7, 10/2 |
Assignment 4
Exam 1
Week 8, 10/9 |
MySQLUnivTXT.txt script file
SQL Select command
Week 9, 10/16 |
SQL Select command continue
Eample of using ChatGPT to write SQL statements
Assignment 5
Week 10, 10/23 |
SQL Subquery
Assignment 6
Week 11, 10/30 |
MySQLSales2TXT script file
Advanced SQL topics
Assignment 7
Week 12, 11/6 |
JSON and NoSQL database
Exam 2 review
Week 13, 11/13 |
MongoDB demo
Extra credits assignment 8
Exam 2
Week 14, 11/20 |
Thanksgiving Recess |
Week 15, 11/27 |
File and index
Transaction management
Data warehouse
Exam 3 review